Andrew Jones Joins MoFi Electronics – AXPONA 2022

Fans of speaker designer Andrew Jones who attended AXPONA 2022 this year might have missed an important shift from the long-time audiophile icon. Mr. Jones could still be found at the show, even wandering the 3rd floor by the ELAC room. But in an unusual twist, his time was spent more with the press than presenting his latest budget friendly speaker in a demo room. This all due to bis big announcement that he indeed parting ways with ELAC for a new endeavor with MoFi Electronics.
The irony perhaps, is that ELAC was sandwiched between the multiple MoFi rooms at the AXPONA show, hence Jone’s presence in the area. Of particular interest to the conjoining with MoFi is that while the brand is well known for vinyl, turntables and analog, they have yet to produce any amps or speakers so far – allowing Jones a clean slate of sorts to work from.
The Occasional Podcast sat down with Andrew Jones of MoFi at the show to get the lowdown straight from the source. While the interview doesn’t reveal and pricepoints or even directional inspiration for the products, he does go into depth about the transition and a lot of his thinking for the future of the Andrew Jones personal brand.
The Occasional Podcast has just launched into their seventh season. Previous episodes include Our We Heading Towards a Tube Shortage?, interviews, how to’s and more from audio’s greatest talents, including their picks for products of the season, another interesting conversation about the History Of The BBC’s LS3/5a Loudspeaker, A Beginner’s Guide To Tube Amplifiers and A View From The Booth: Reference Systems, Accuracy & Why Audiophiles Love Jazz So Much: including rare interview with the late audio legend engineer Al Schmitt. The finale from season 5 includes the yearly “best of awards” and you can also find episodes covering British HiFi, Subwoofers/Setup/Tips, and the how to: Budgeting From Entry Level To High End. Season 4 highlights include Joseph Audio, Pro-Ject Turntables, and Rob Watts. One can still download this season’s educational show with TOP’s Beginners Primer To High Fidelity Digital Audio alongside the latest on Two-Way Speaker Design. Fan favorite What Is Mastering? What Happens When An Album Is Remastered? is also still available as well. If you are interested in further exploring the analog realm, the Guide To Buying A Turntable (and records) might point you in the right direction.
Options to stream this week’s Andrew Jones MoFi: direct from the embed below or subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.