5 Things You Can Do To Reduce Hum And Noise In Your Stereo

Here are 5 ways to reduce noise and hum in your audio system. This week’s episode of The Occasional Podcast takes a stab at external noise seeping into your home stereo. The dreaded hum and ground loop issues can arise with any system, but the show covers off an extensive list of things that you can do to prevent all of the outside intrusion from seeping in and disrupting the quality of your listening sessions.
The Occasional Podcast is joined by none other than Garth Powell of Audioquest, a designer and expert in the category of noise in audio. Also an accomplished Jazz drummer, Garth walks listeners through the gauntlet of issues and setups that lead to buzz, hum or other unwanted effects that can come from really anywhere these days. Outside interference is at an all time high with the wide bandwidth of products producing wireless signals though the air, so keeping on top of the subject is really something almost any audiophile could use.
The Occasional Podcast is launching into their 9th season. Previous episodes include 5 things to consider when buying a tube amplifier, coverage of the Florida Audio Expo, interviews with Sean Casey of Zu Audio, how to’s and more from audio’s greatest talents, including Michael Fremer and Pacific Audio Fest 2022 Best of Show, another interesting conversation about the History Of The BBC’s LS3/5a Loudspeaker, A Beginner’s Guide To Tube Amplifiers and A View From The Booth: Reference Systems, Accuracy & Why Audiophiles Love Jazz So Much: including rare interview with the late audio legend engineer Al Schmitt. The finale from season 5 includes the yearly “best of awards” and you can also find episodes covering British HiFi, Subwoofers/Setup/Tips, and the how to: Budgeting From Entry Level To High End. Season 4 highlights include Joseph Audio, Pro-Ject Turntables, and Rob Watts. One can still download this season’s educational show with TOP’s Beginners Primer To High Fidelity Digital Audio alongside the latest on Two-Way Speaker Design. Fan favorite What Is Mastering? What Happens When An Album Is Remastered? is also still available as well. If you are interested in further exploring the analog realm, the Guide To Buying A Turntable (and records) might point you in the right direction.
Options to stream this week’s interview on ways to reduce noise and hum, direct from the embed below or subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.