Review: Audeze Euclid In-Ear

An Audeze Euclid review. For as long as I have been reviewing Audeze products, I’ve always found them to be a solid progression forward in terms of technologies and the way they are implemented. A constant inertia away from the norm, the standard of fidelity at the time and even a progression deeper into the fold from some of their own products. It is never a creation for the sake of the product cycle, but rather something that fills a void, or just sounds better than the rest. It was certainly the case for the series of open-back, in-ear options of the LCDi and the now legacy iSine line. Today’s review subject is actually Audze’s first closed black in-ear, called the Euclid.
The Audeze Euclid sits between the LCDi4 and the LCDi3 pricewise and retails for a cool $1299, placing it towards the high end of the spectrum in terms of expectations for a universal-fit IEM. I was supremely impressed with the open back series. Having reviewed the iSine 10 a few years ago my personal expectations were also high for any new executions of Audeze’s planar magnetic tech in a smaller form factor. It should also be known that I very much enjoy the general voicing they gravitate towards as one of my ultimate preferences.

In terms of build, the aluminum shell feels quick “high grade” upon inspection, and definitely adds to the overall luxury fit and finish of the product. The removal cable utilizes a standard MMCX connection and worked beautifully for both earpieces. Occasionally I’ll get in review samples that crackle or blip in and out with the MMCX options, but everything felt very well joined together from the Euclid. The cable itself features a cool woven pattern that terminates with well constructed earloops and a plastic piece that is easy to grip and apply pressure to snap into place. As any regular listener to universal IEMs knows, fit is everything. It affects the overall sound, the bass regions and even overall comfort greatly. The Euclid shipped with 3 different styles of tips, both silicone and foam – from Audeze/Spinfit/Comply.
With the sound, again, it feels like an evolution. A forward progression in the possibilities for what can be achieved in the somewhat restrictive form factor. Bass is tight with a proper seal, and extension upward is very pleasing without ever appearing harsh or too much “look at me!!!!” The highs fit into the scene in a very appropriate manner, offering a dash of carbonation alongside a natural delivery. But perhaps my favorite part of the evolution is the vocal response and mid tone information. Its rich and bountiful. Fleshy and dense. All the things that categories like full range speakers take for granted, but are surprisingly hard to find in the earphone category.
While the legacy Audeze iSine 10 reached new heights in terms of openness (especially in the bass regions) and within the parameters of this Audeze Euclid review it appears to drive just a little more resolution from the source. Even with obvious impact on presentation from open to closed, the Euclid manages to find its footing against a power performer in the relaxed, natural signature of the iSine 10. The frequency response isn’t exact, but its close. As with most Audeze products, the performance is typically flat, with a dynamic bass response and a smooth treble. It is this general sonic tendency from the designers that finds its way into this reviewer’s preference more often than not. Bassheads or those with a preference for elevated treble (and there are quite a few in the audiophile circles) might want to tweak just the situation just a bit with EQ. But for the “as is” fundamentals, the Euclid has it moving in spades. Tight resolution, boppin bass and a natural presentation all rank high on the critical list of must haves for an IEM in the $1k+ category, heck, even the $500+ deserves to have these same boxes checked.

As with many upscale earphones, the overall depth of the aluminum shell for the Euclid sticks out from the head just a tad. If there was one area where the earphone could use improvement was the fit into and around the ear. During use, I found it hard to get the left side to stay in place properly. This could very easily be heavenly impacted by the shape of the individual wearer’s ear – and likely will not be an issue for everyone. But I thought it was worth mentioning in the context of this Audeze Euclid review. Increased depth is also a hallmark of the True Wireless category of earphones, so the issue is by no means unique to this IEM. The benefit here of course, is that you also have the plastic hook surround in the cable to help secure the unit in place. So there are more than a few ways to help secure a good location in the ear canal for the best possible sonics. But for those who may suffer from fit issues overall, the Euclid is a bit heavier than some and offers a bigger form factor than many slim profile options (although more of a rarity at this level of price and performance).
10 to 20 years ago, this level of performance from an IEM was practically non-existent. During our Audeze Euclid review we discovered the piece is a prime example of how the in ear category is continuing to evolve. Is it the best earphone ever? It’s hard to say now that the overall market has grown alongside the cost for high performance pieces. But it certainly pulls out the stops for a “closed back” IEM and ushers in a plentiful bounty of Audeze traits which they have spent so many years perfecting. For those familiar with the family sound, Audeze has managed to include some of their most positive learnings into a much smaller package. In design terms, closing the back of the headphone can be a difficult project compared to the relative leniency inherent in an open back headphones (and this case earphones). The Euclid completes the circle back to one of the cornerstones of portable listening with this universal fit, in ear design. Highly recommended.
More info: Audeze Euclid Closed-Back Planar Magnetic In-Ear