Atrevit Acoustic – Florida 2019

My first visit with Atrevit Acoustic was in a sprawling expo hall at Axpona a few years back. The speakers system (yes, it is a system) was tucked in the corner of the exhibition pumping out huge IMAX like bass. Obviously this was garnering some sneers from fellow exhibitors, but in the moment, it attracted all the right attention from show attendees.
A few years later, here we are in Tampa, Florida at the Florida Audio Expo. Atrevit has secured a room all to themselves, and the system is on full-bore display, looking more like a mahogany interpretation of Ridley Scott’s 1979 film Alien, than a traditional set of speakers and amplifiers.
The system is called Enchantriss ($31,000 USD), which is a reference quality multi-amplifier 2.2 system with both active and passive crossovers at play. To start, in the center is the Virtuoso Dou-Channel Tube Amplifier, which only handles the tweeters. Flanked by dual active solid state mono-blocks, for all the large woofers and mid-range drivers (located in the upper sections) and underpinned by more amplifiers that handle two Sphinx Reference Subwoofer Bases (located under the upper sections).
The upper section can be used as a 3-way speaker system on it’s own. Dubbed the Vixen, it includes 12” subwoofers within its framework and covers the spectrum full-range (20hz-25khz).
Soundwise, this system was fun to play with. It plays big, deep, and loud. To some point I felt a need for more detail, but it was likely that all this bass was just overloading the room. Going forward, I would love to hear this system with room to stretch its legs.
by Eric Shook