An Interview With Sonus Faber

PartTimeAudiophile’s The Occasional Podcast recently sat down with Sonus Faber’s CEO and President Jeff Poggi. Accompany Jeff was also Brand Manager William Kline and between the two the episode gives both and interesting vantage point into the Italian speaker maker as well as the parent company McIntosh Group.
William drops several interesting insights into his speaker setup routine for shows and even gives some best-of tips for putting together an awe-inspiring playlist built to show off any system and impress your audiophile buddies. The show was recorded at a recent Rocky Mountain Audiofest show, hot on the heels of the latest update to the Sonus Faber Olympica Nova line of loudspeakers.
The front half of the show features some highlights from the CES 2020 show based in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the list is a little on the short side this year due to underwhelming attendance by traditional hifi brands. While major players in the headphone/mic/aviation category still attend, most of the show-and-tell from the Venetian floor rooms has gone the way of the laser disc.
You can stream it all direct from the embed below or subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.