An Interview With Marantz

Interview With Marantz & The Creators Of Vinyl Nation
Marantz as a brand has been around for quite a long time. Founded in 1953, the company has changed a few hands and updated their look a few times as well. Their latest release of the MODEL 30 Integrated Amplifier and the SACD 30n Network Streamer come with a few changes to the exterior looks of the long lasting lineage of amplifiers and components.
In this week’s episode of The Occasional Podcast, the Marantz interview takes place with president Joel Sietsema joins Brian Hunter along with Senior Director of Technical Category Management Emmanuel Millot for a bifurcated look at brand from both a management and technological perspective.
More info: Marantz
Also joining the episode are the directors of a new documentary called Vinyl Nation, which focuses on record collecting and the recent resurgence for everyone’s favorite spinning black disk. In the Vinyl Nation interview, Co-Directors Kevin Smokler and Christopher Boone explore HiFi’s close cousin hobby with interactions that may surprise you, but also also show the way to insights that reveal yet another fascinating facet to the diverse universe that makes up audio playback.
The Vinyl Nation documentary is available to stream via online storefronts in small art houses and record stores. Check out a full listing of the virtual cinema tickets in your area here. A portion of ticket sales goes to help support record stores.
The Occasional Podcast is now working its way though season 4, with interviews from Nelson Pass, Joseph Audio, MBL, and Rob Watts providing interesting highlights from Season 3 and a peek behind the backdrop of high end audio and audio playback in general. One can still download this season’s educational show with TOP’s Beginners Primer To High Fidelity Digital Audio alongside our latest on Two-Way Speaker Design.
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