Weighing Your Personal Happiness Into The Idea Of “Absolute Sound”

PartTimeAudiophile Editor Scot Hull took to the airwaves to drop his personal take on the audiophile idea of an “absolute sound” this weekend. Chasing ever-elusive goals is no doubt a big element to some of the fun of creating (and recreating) a sound system. But in the end, what is the actual finish line?

Scot’s short video about the inherent shortcomings of absolute sound ideals bounce some thoughts around these more external goalposts and the concept of internalizing the experience for one’s own pleasure. Is simply being happy with your system enough? Is the journey itself part of the fun? Recreating the exact sound of a live, unamplified acoustic performance could indeed be both entertaining and a slightly more concrete way of evaluating a system, but overlays a few problematic and large assumptions to get there.

You can check out his thoughts in the embed. Let us know what you think here or on the socials. Interested parties can follow Audio-Head on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest updates and conversations. More of Scot’s thoughts can be found on his YouTube channel here.

As things get a little more constricted with the latest round of Corona Virus updates, I think it’s safe to say that finding relaxing outlets right in your home is a growing need – for those lucky enough to even have the option. It’s truly time for HiFi audio to shine, even as Netflix binge watching slowly reaches its saturation point. With much of Hollywood production grinding to a halt, high production video content will surely see a drought in the coming months ahead.

The shift to low-fi homemade content has been interesting to witness, especially in recent “live” music shows and late-night TV pivots. Now might be the perfect opportunity to invest the time to listen with full attention and make some tweaks towards better sound, regardless how you choose to evaluate your system.