An Interview With Zach And Bevin Mehrbach of ZMF Headphones

In the last interview of 2019, The Occasional Podcast tackles the personal audio upstart ZMF headphones. Both Zach and Bevin Mehrbach have been hard at work creating a reputable brand in the high-end headphone space, craving out their own niche with custom drivers and unique materials.
The business started as some others have, as a simple Fostex T50RP mod shop, but recently things have really taken off. Moving out of the living room and into their own warehouse, this Chicago-based endeavor appears to be spreading their wings to the world stage in true upstart fashion.
Also as a bonus feature, the TOP give us their top picks for audio products of the year in both the headphone and 2 channel space. You can stream it all direct from the embed below or subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.