This week’s episode of The Occasional Podcast tackles a subject that is likely near and dear to many an audiophile heart – Two Way Speakers and Integrateds. Why this unlikely combination? Be it space, simplicity or just a starting point for something bigger, many apartment dwellers and entry level newcomers rely on this type of setup to get them where they need to be, sonically speaking.
PartTimeAudiophile Editor-In-Chief Marc Phillips joins the conversation, adding in the expertise of someone who has not only evaluated countless two ways (and integrateds) for PTA, but was also his gateway drug combination of choice starting out as an audiophile – he is probably lucky the Chateau Marmot only has three-way Sonus Fabers and McIntosh separates in the hotel lobby.
Check out the podcast below for all the who, what and why of the combination that can be both rewarding and well… less expensive than some of the bigger counterparts.
The Occasional Podcast is now launching into Season 5, with new interviews, how to’s and more from audio’s greatest talents, from Grado to Mike Moffat. The latest includes a deep dive into budgeting, with the how to: Budgeting From Entry Level To High End. Last season’s highlights include Nelson Pass, Joseph Audio, Pro-Ject Turntables, and Rob Watts. One can still download this season’s educational show with TOP’s Beginners Primer To High Fidelity Digital Audio alongside our latest on Two-Way Speaker Design. Fan favorite What Is Mastering? What Happens When An Album Is Remastered? is also still available for download from this season. If you are interested in further exploring the analog realm, the Guide To Buying A Turntable (and records) might point you in the right direction.
Options to stream this week’s episode of The Occasional Podcast Two Way Speakers and Integrateds: direct from the embed below or subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.