Time To Hit The Mountains – RMAF 2019

The road to the Rocky Mountains has been a bit bumpy this year, but as Denver’s big audio show draws close I still can’t help but be excited for the event that has really been one of the biggest draws for press and product releases for as long as I’ve been running this site.
A quick perusal of the exhibitors on the RMAF site does give a small taste of perhaps less overall demo rooms than previous years. Still, big names are attending and PR meetings have us nearly booked solid already. Add on top of that a plethora of podcasting and we have ourselves a weekend full of fun, play, merrymaking and really, no, none of that. What it will be is information packed and entertaining, that we can promise you. The new digs in Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center are much closer to the airport and appear quite spacious in the public areas for the abundant amount of networking and “meetings” that take place after hours.

Mofi Distribution’s Jonathan Derda had a chance to swing by the grounds earlier this year and check out the demo rooms specifically. His commentary on the subject:
“The Gaylord is much better suited for a show like RMAF than the Marriott Tech Center. You can’t help but be impressed when you walk through the new hotel. Changing venues is challenging, not only for Marjorie and her team but also for the exhibitors who have to consider higher costs, unknown room acoustics, and the variables you just don’t know about until you do the show. However, this is a much needed refresh for RMAF, the old venue had run its course, and I think the benefits of the new location outweigh the negatives. Right now people seem to be nervous or concerned, but really they should be excited about the show’s new potential.
MoFi will have three rooms with over a half dozen North American product debuts from Wharfedale, Primare, Dr. Feickert and Balanced Audio Technology.”
Wharfedale is still basking the glow of a pile of fresh reviews for the retro-looking budget 85th Anniversary Linton Heritage Speakers ($1.5k, including stands) so the anticipation for something else with an extensive value proposition with good looks looms high.
Look for even more budget hifi gear from the likes of Denon this time around, who just announced a new wallet-likely integrated 600 series amp and matching transport combo for a mere $700 ($399 for the PMA-600NE and $299 for the DCD-600NE). The really cool thing about the amplifier is that it allows for the digital inputs (and BT) to be turned off in its switchable “Analog Mode”.

A lot more has rolled into our inboxes this week in preparation for the show, much of it is still hush hush before the official reveals take place. Keep it tuned here for all the goodies (and baddies) from the show in the next few weeks. Once again our fearless man-in-the-streets Eric Shook will be throwing down the pixels and assisting with all the show coverage from the event.
Those who wish to attend in person can join us from September 6-8 in Denver, it’s a great opportunity to get out of the easy chair and listen to a wide array of new gear from all price ranges yourself. Real life, no computer screens (but maybe a tablet controller or two).