T.H.E. Show Cancelled for 2020

As the state of things around the world continues to wreak havoc on all public events, another audio show announced their cancellation last week. The Los Angeles-based T.H.E. Show has been gathering steam the past few years, only to have to put on the brakes due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
According to the press release, the show was originally schedule to be postponed to December from its June 12th date, but due to uncertainty with the hotel things have quickly morphed into a full cancelation as to err on the side of caution.
It is indeed another unfortunate happenstance in the world of hifi, and a foreboding sign that enthusiasts might not be able to gather together in public for a very long time. Indeed, some might question whether what was deemed “normal” behaviors from previous years might take years to reinstate, if ever. The obvious implications of sitting in tight quarters for demographics at risk isn’t ideal for anyone involved. Still, online communities seem as vibrant as ever, and the extended stay at home leaves more time and less excuses for not listening.
More information and full release below:
Dear Exhibitors, Showgoers, Esteemed Members of the Press, and Valued Members of the Audiophile/Music Enthusiast Community:As you are aware, we have sent out a few public announcements regarding T.H.E. Show 2020 in this one, we will provide what we believe to be a final update. There have been a few delays to releasing it publicly and for good reason, which we state below.
PR Release May 2020
The original plan was to postpone T.H.E. Show from its original date of June 12-14, 2020 to December, in time for the holiday season to support everyone’s holiday shopping and selling. For the past six or so weeks, we have communicated and negotiated with the hotel and were in the final stages of being ready to announce our intention to simply move the dates. However, prior to moving the dates, we wanted to ensure everyone was going to be safe. Therefore, we had written and called the hotel numerous times, forwarding them concerns we had about the safety of our participants, asking questions and asking for clarification on what their health and safety policies would be. We have not received any solid answers.
When we heard the updated news from Governor Newsome’s office regarding the four-stage reopening plan for the State of California, we wrote to the hotel once again but this time to request information on a full cancellation and refund as it is our the belief that the Hotel cannot guarantee that the event could take place even if we pushed it to December. The reply that we received was an updated contract, including a brand new Force Majeure clause that moved cancellation power out of our hands. The position of the hotel to spring this clause on us with no notice (that made cancellation contingent on the CDC or a governmental entity imposing a travel ban or attendance ban 60 days prior to the event, meaning that the ban would have to be imposed by October in order to be applicable) as well as other parts of the new clause caused such concern that the uncertainty of moving forward under those conditions are, in our professional and moral opinion, untenable and irresponsible.
As such, we have had no choice but to cancel T.H.E. Show 2020. With this cancellation, we would like you to know the following: (1) On May 5, 2020, our attorneys sent correspondence to the hotel formally canceling the event and seeking a refund of the monies that The Home Entertainment Show, LLC has already tendered to the Hotel for reservations. We are waiting for the hotel to respond to our attorney’s letter. The hotel’s position, in our viewpoint, is a regrettable one, and we felt that in the face of these uncertain times, and in order to ensure the safety of our exhibitors, attendees, and the entire community we simply could not move forward. We are a small business, like many of you, and like many of you, we know that right now, certainty, stability, compassion, and transparency in communication make all the difference in the world.
(2) Once we have heard back from the hotel, we will provide a further update to our Exhibitors directly regarding refunds. We hope the hotel will do the right thing, which is to issue full refunds and keep a focus on a longer-term relationship with T.H.E. Show and the high-end audio community for future events.
Please know we are 100% committed to doing right by each and every one of you, as much as we possibly can, and we will be by our computers and phones to welcome any questions you have. We will do our absolute best to provide you with the most up to date information we have and remain supportive of you through this time, and always.
Sincerely and in support,
T.H.E. Show