Munich High End 2020 Canceled, Chicago’s AXPONA Still On

Amid all the heath, economical and other reasons for concern around the spread of the Corona Virus, now another serious implication directly effecting the world of audiophillia is added to the list. Munich’s High End audio show in Germany has cancelled its 2020 event.
The Munich show has always been one of the more global reaching audio shows on the planet, so as things continue to shift in regions across the Europe and Asia, it only stands to reason that giant public gatherings with worldwide attendees will be implicated. From the High End 2020 press release:
“The HIGH END 2020 trade show, planned for May 14 to 17, 2020 at Munich‘s MOC exhibition grounds, has been cancelled due to the current worsening trend with respect to the spread of the novel coro- navirus. This decision was reached by the HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH upon consideration of all criteria in close cooperation with the Board of the HIGH END SOCIETY e.V.
Given that in addition to the countries affected in Asia, infections in Italy have rapidly increased within a few days, it is unclear how the virus will continue to spread in Europe. “That is why as organisers of an international trade show, we consider it our responsibility to act in a timely manner”, explains Ste- fan Dreischärf, Managing Director of HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH. On the one hand, this move seeks to safeguard the health of all stakeholders and, on the other hand, to work towards averting possible economic losses of the exhibitors.
“We naturally regret having to take this step,” says Dreischärf. “But we take our duty of care towards our exhibitors, visitors and employees very seriously.” Since the rapid spread of the virus in China
in mid-January, the organiser of the world‘s largest hi-fi trade show has been weighing the possible consequences for the exhibition planned in May. Each day, the situation was re-assessed by monitor- ing not only the global spread of the coronavirus but also the international trade show and exhibition scene. At the beginning of February, HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH already offered Chinese exhibitors options for withdrawing from their participation in this year’s hi-fi show. Over the past few weeks, the organiser increasingly received inquiries from other companies as to whether the strained situation would have an impact on the HIGH END 2020.”
With fewer cases reported in the United States, the Chicago-based AXPONA show (which takes place a few weeks before Munich) is still holding on to their position in the calendar. From their PR team:
“Schaumburg, IL (February 28, 2020) – – AXPONA (Audio Expo North America) will take place as scheduled April 17-19 at the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel and Convention Center. As always, the health and safety of our customers is our number one priority. We are closely monitoring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization’s statements regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and following guidelines from these agencies and the local health departments. We will be reinforcing recommended measures on-site regarding appropriate hygiene standards and following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and local health authorities. We are working closely with each of our partners to ensure a successful, enjoyable and healthy experience for all manufacturers, dealers, distributors, audiophiles and music lovers alike. We have a record number of vendors signed up to exhibit and a record number of attendees registering every day to attend. We certainly appreciate anyone’s individual decision not to travel due to their own personal health concerns and we recommend that anyone who feels under the weather should remain at home.
We will continue to post any additional updates on the website at“