As of this morning both the digital-oriented Audiostream and headphone enthusiast site Innerfidelity appear to redirect exclusively to AVTech’s main site Stereophile. All previous content accessible from both sites is no longer visible.
There is no formal communication on the subject from Stereophile as of yet. But direction for the audiophile mainstays after Rafe Arnott’s recent departure as a manager for both Audiostream and InnerFidelity has been somewhat elusive to readers. A few posts were made by Grover Neville to InnerFidelity, but content appeared to dry up shortly before summer began.
The longtime running media outlets have provided insight into some of the more niche reaches of the audiophile lifestyle, but always with some digital/headphone content overlap to the bigger parent site. The sudden departure of the entirety of both sites may likely catch fans of the weekly updates by surprise. InnerFidelity housed not only a cache of reviews and wall-of-fame references, but also legacy measurements for many popular audiophile headphones.
If this is indeed the end of both sites on the interweb, the ripples will no doubt be felt in the community. The atmosphere, products and now the media continue to change in our evolving COVID-19 world. Even with so many audio enthusiast sites shuffling things around, the departure of such a long running commentary for speciality options in HiFi will be missed.
We will keep you posted as things continue to develop around this update.
Don’t forget to check out our recent review of the Pass Labs INT-250 Integrated amplifier, as well as The Occasional Podcast recent episode, An Audiophile’s Guide To The Loudness Wars. You can download the show from your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more. Recent show highlights include What is Mastering? and A Beginner’s Primer to Reel-to-Reel playback. The show is updated bi-weekly throughout the summer with more educational deep dives and in-depth interviews.