I always enjoy my stops-n-chats to Schiit Audio’s retail location in Newhall, CA. Appropriately called the SchiitR, the wine tasting venue turned office, then turned audio show room has a special charm all its own.
As part of a monthly meet up schedule this spring, founder Jason Stoddard has been prepping all long slate of new products for upcoming launch including gen 2 of his integrated Ragnarok, the Aegir power amplifier and the long-awaited Sol Turntable.
This month’s sample included a pair of Magnepan 1.7s, a new flavor from the Salk and KEF LS50s that usually grace the stage in the loudspeaker listening room. The big panels throw out great sound, as any Maggie owner will attest to, and backed by the Schiit gear things sounded both powerful and “locked in” in terms of imaging.
There is more big news coming down the pipe from Stoddard and team, keep your eyes peeled for some interesting Schiit developments this month.
Company site: Schiit Audio