The New Andrew Jones MoFi SourcePoint 8.
A few quick pre-show press releases aside, the announcement of a new, smaller version of Andrew Jones latest speaker caught most of the populous by surprise. We were able to secure a rare first-look at the SourcePoint 10 back in November, but this new version was kept under wraps until almost show time.
Just in time for AXPONA (April 14-16), the SourcePoint 8 debuted in a listening room hosted by Andrew himself. As usual for a Jones appearance, the room was packed with a line waiting to get in. I managed to squeak in late in the day, but it was perhaps just luck of the draw as the room filled pretty quickly after a few minutes.
What I heard was equally impressive as my initial impressions from the 10, in fact, I would be hard pressed to pull out any tonal differences between the two just from memory. Memory is however, ultimately not the proper way to draw comparisons of this type, so let’s stick with what I heard in the “there and then”.
The taste of sonics I got at the event showcased a solid frequency structure and dynamics that seem to defy any pre conceived notions that one might have about a 8 inch paper cone concentric driver. Embedded firmly in the center of that paper cone is a soft dome tweeter, conducting its business from within the driver, is well, the reason they call it the SourcePoint.
Jones has never been one to fuss greatly over expensive amplification for his demos, instead opting for a front end that is commensurate with roughly the same pricing as the speakers he presents. A good tip of the cap for attendees who would likely never lash a pair of $3k speakers to a $10k+ pair of monos. At AXPONA it was simply the HiFi Rose RS520 Network Streamer/Integrated Amplifier ($3,695) providing both streaming, digital decoding and amplification.
The new speaker is roughly that in cost terms. With custom matching stands the SourcePoint 10 is $4k, and the new 8s hits squarely at $3k. With a shipping date of late May, the new SourcePoint 8s are available for pre order in black, walnut and satin white. More info in the link below.
More info: MoFi SourcePoint 8